Roster, U11 A, Rep Teams, HHMH (Halton Hills Minor Hockey)
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More Info
Andrew Harkness
Head Coach
Andrew Harkness
Andrew Harkness Bio
I am a father of 2 boys who are coming through the Halton Hills Thunder program. I have been around hockey my whole life. I grew up in Quebec playing for my home town and eventually my high school. My father was my coach throughout my early career and gave me a love for the game that I carry through my volunteering for my men’s league hockey to this present day. If you can’t find me coaching my minor hockey team you will find me playing a men’s league hockey game as the passion lives on!
Other noteworthy details about me, I manage high performing teams in my day job and I find a lot of crossover between managing teams at work and managing teams in minor hockey. I pride myself in being transparent, authentic and genuine in my dealings at work and in this volunteer position. I believe myself to be a strong communicator and a passionate leader.
My own volunteering journey started years ago when I was coaching teenage soccer programs in Quebec, but my recent hockey volunteering started again with my youngest son. After receiving some mentorship with more experienced coaches through my older son’s team, I decided to become involved as a volunteer myself in 2021 with the IP program as an assistant coach. The following year I was named head coach of the U10As and most recently I had the honour of coaching the U11As.
My coaching philosophy anchors on the following principles:
1. With younger athletes, my #1 priority is that they love hockey more at the end of the season than when they started. Development gets absorbed much more easily when the kids are chomping at the bit to get back on the ice.
2. We focus the kids in on their controllable assets. Attitude, Concentration, and Effort (ACE). We will teach them skill, we will teach them strategy, all they have to bring is their ACE.
3. I am not in the hockey business, I am in the kids experience and lifelong memories business. The inclusive culture, the life-skills that we teach and the bonds that they form with their team mates will last much longer than the memory of their won loss ratios. Our selection of tournaments, team building activities and opportunities to give back to the community are the core moments we strive for during a season.
Lastly, as for hockey development, our priority is skating, passing, team play and energy/effort. We look to build and re-enforce all of the good habits that will stay with them all the way through their playing career. We also rely heavily on specialized development instructors to teach the technical part of the game. I focus on culture and ACE, and we bring in the experts to teach the fine details of this great game.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the ice!