Current Fundraisers
Encourage your team families to support your fundraising initiatives to support your Thunder Teams! Email your other managers to distribute any information to other teams.
With fundraising as a requirement to participate in certain activities throughout the season, it is important that we consider the future of Minor Hockey and keep the great sport as affordable as possible for as many as possible. Please click the link below to download and view the Fundraising Policies and Guidelines. Nothing has changed from previous season, so the document is the same. Further policies are outlined below.
Bottle Drives 2024-25

Team bottle drives are to be booked through the online Fundraising request form and will be approved on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Our bottle drive is authorized at the Acton Beer Store location only. Only approved requests will be accepted as the Manager will be given the team and contact names before dates. Managers will be asked to confirm the date with the Acton Manager 2 weeks before their date. There are other groups requesting times for bottle drive collections as well, there may be dates that are changed. Therefore, you need to ensure you have confirmation of an approved time.
There is no fundraising allowed onsite. There were a few incidences in the past years which we need to avoid. If you are found to be soliciting onsite, you will be asked to leave and lose your time slot.
To assist with the process going smoother and much quicker on your date, please pre-sort bottles into clear bags or boxes (clear glass, vs green glass vs dark glass vs wine and spirits).
Saturdays at 10am sharp are the appointments, unless discussed with Manager at location beforehand;
Ø Request a date for those with teams chosen in Spring and we will investigate with Acton Manager
Ø Fall tryout requests can be made and submitted and we will collaborate with Acton Manager
Ø Select teams can request once teams chosen and we will collaborate with Acton Manager
Note: ‘Personal’ bottle drives are also permitted with no restrictions on dates (where team members solicit friends and relatives over a period and return the empties themselves with the funds going to the team).
Please note dates must be confirmed with Acton Beer Store Manager as changes could be made during this time. Direct all questions to the Director of Fundraising.
Fundraising: HHMH is not a registered charity. HHMH is a non-profit organization that is exempt from corporate federal income tax pursuant to paragraph 149(1)(I) of the Income Tax Act. Any team fundraising efforts should disclose the status of HHMH. HHMH is an association organized to:
- organize, develop and promote minor ice hockey for the youth of the Town of Halton Hills;
- providing opportunity for all eligible individuals to participate in recreational house league ice hockey and to provide community based programs which allow a player to participate in an environment for fun, physical exercise and fair play;
- provide opportunities to further develop and participate in Select and Representative ice hockey to participate at the highest competitive level;
- HHMH shall be operated without the purpose of pecuniary gain to any of the Members and any surplus or accretions of the Association shall be used solely for the purposes of the Association and for the promotion of its objects.
HHMH will not issue charitable donation receipts for any fundraising activities. (Teams may choose to issue receipts for sponsorships of $500 or greater. These are not official tax receipts. They are business expenses.)
Team fundraising events must not represent a Team of HHMH as a charitable organization and no representation can be made regarding the tax deductibility of funds contributed for personal/corporate purposes (with the exception of sponsorships).
All fundraising requests must be submitted to HHMH, Director of Fundraising using the form on the HHMH website.
No fundraising activities are to begin until they are approved by HHMH, Director of Fundraising.
No fundraising activities will be approved until all the teams have concluded the initial parent meetings.
Any fundraising activities that require the use of the HHMH Thunder logo require the additional approval of the HHMH VP, Administration.
All raffles require a license from the Town of Halton Hills. See the document in the GENERAL Section above for further information. Actual alcohol is not permitted to be a raffle prize, as there are no age restrictions for buying raffle tickets and a minor could win the alcohol. Gift cards for alcohol are permitted, as a minor would not be able to 'spend' a gift card for alcohol without proper identification. Alcohol logos are not permitted on raffle tickets.
All communications relating to advertising your fundraising activity to your audience must comply with Canada's Anti Spam Legislation introduced in 2014. See the document in the GENERAL section above for further information.
No HHMH Rep or Select team may approach sponsors identified by HHMH as a House League Sponsor.
Any team found to be conducting an unauthorized fundraiser may forfeit their HHMH deposit.
Fundraising is considered a team activity and is not to be tallied individually. All players/parents are expected to participate in team fundraising. Managers reserve the right to request minimum participation (or contribution in lieu thereof) for fundraising activities.
The remaining proceeds of any unused team fundraising up to team budget must be returned equally to parents.
Corporate Donors: Corporate donors should not be referred to as team sponsors. The team sponsor has paid to have their company name on the team Banner or sweater and for the privilege of being called the Team Sponsor. Any team receiving Corporate Donations requires the approval of the HHMH Director of sponsorship under no circumstances will a request be approved if there is a conflict with any HHMH Sponsor. A banner can be produced as a fundraiser to include any corporate Sponsors logos or Information. This banner must include the team sponsors logo/info in the center of the banner.
No Fundraising will be approved unless requested via the Fundraising Request Form (below).
Form for 2024-2025