Evaluation Info (Halton Hills Minor Hockey)

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Evaluations Information 2025-26

Purchase Evaluation Cards from this page

NOTE: Please read the information below carefully. 
Instructions given below are important to provide the most seamless process while checking in and attending any evaluation.

The information below is divided by:
U10-U18 Rep
U7 MD (Jr. Thunder)
U8-U9 MD (Junior Thunder)
Advanced League
U21 Rep



Purchase of the Evaluation Card:  All players must purchase an evaluation card prior to any skate.  This is done via online with Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) only.  Payment will be required upon purchase via credit card only. 

Evaluation cards are non-refundable unless extenuating circumstances are approved by the Board.
No Evaluation Cards will be sold at the door/gate.

Important Notes on Purchasing Evaluation Card:

  • To ensure players are on the "Tryout List" on the HHMH website for each level and prevent delays signing in at the arena, please endeavour to buy the Evaluation Card at least 24 hours in advance.

  • Evaluations are "open level".  Simply put, you can be evaluated for ANY level without pre-requisite as long as you have purchased an evaluation card for the level you are evaluating for.

  • Players CANNOT TRANSFER an evaluation card from one level to another.  You must purchase the Evaluation Card for the level you are trying out for.  In other words, your evaluation card must match what you are trying out for. (e.g. AA, A, B, BB, Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3)

  • For each purchase, there will be a short questionnaire to fill out  The email provided by you will be the one that is used for any communication during an evaluation period.  This email will be used to ensure communication from the team coach and will also be used to convey your evaluation (tryout) number (TTN) for the HHMH website.

  • You can only sign up for your age group. For example, you will not be able to buy a U10 Evaluation Card if you are U9 for the 2025/26 Season.  If you want to attempt a tryout with a higher age group, this must be approved by the Board.

  • An evaluation card is not a guarantee of making a team.  Team selections will be made based on player evaluations.

More Information Links

Evaluation Policies and Commitment Procedures and Information

Evaluation Schedule and Info

U10-U18 Rep Hockey

Price: $70/level

Purchase Options

You must purchase an evaluation card for EACH level you are evaluating for. (i.e. AA, A, B or BB are separate purchases).  For example, if you are released from "AA", you must purchase an evaluation card for "A" (or "B" if you chose) before continuing with a new level.

How to Track your Evaluation(s) During the evaluation period (e.g. U18AA) you will be emailed (from the email provided in the questionnaire during purchase) your TTN (tryout number) to keep track of your evaluation for that level only.  The "Tryout Page" for each team will be visible whereby you can see your number. If it shows "released", you may purchase an additional card for the next level.

NOTE: Your TTN will change if you are released to any next level, again, any new TTN will be sent to you via email provided in the questionnaire.

Purchase your Evaluation Card(s) for U10 to U18 Rep here <--this will be a link to the Evaluation Card store.


U7 Junior Thunder

U7 Jr. Thunder evaluations will be conducted in the fall.  Please check back for more information at a later time.

U8-U9 MD Junior Thunder

Price: $110

Purchase Options

There is one price which includes all levels for U8-U9 MD (Tier 1, Tier 2, etc) 

The Evaluation Period
The an evaluation period (e.g. U9MD) you will be emailed (from the email provided in the questionnaire during purchase) your TTN (tryout number) to keep track of your evaluation.  The "Tryout Page" for each team will be visible whereby you can see your number. If it shows "released", you will carry on to the next division of the tryout (e.g. Tier 1 to Tier 2 and so on) if you have purchased an additional card for the next level.

Purchase your Evaluation Card for U8 to U9 MD here <--this will be a link to the Evaluation Card store.


U11-U18 Advanced League

Price: $70

Purchase Options

One Evaluation Card which will be valid for the entire Advanced League Evaluations.  Note: Any purchase prior (i.e. any Rep Evaluation card) does not qualify for Advanced League Evaluations.  It is a separate purchase.

The Evaluation Period
The an evaluation period (e.g. U14 Advanced League) you will be emailed (from the email provided in the questionnaire during purchase) your TTN (tryout number) to keep track of your evaluation.  The "Tryout Page" for each team will be visible whereby you can see your number and status. (i.e. released/selected etc).  

Purchase your Evaluation Card for Advanced League here <--this will be a link to the Evaluation Card store.