Player Evaluation Policy 25-26 (Halton Hills Minor Hockey)

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Halton Hills Minor Hockey Player Evaluation Process

Please note that the below information is subject to change without notice and may be revised up to and during the 2025 evaluations. Any changes will be revised on this form.


At Halton Hills Minor Hockey (HHMH), we are committed to providing opportunities for players who reside in Halton Hills to participate in our hockey programs. As we continue to implement our open border policy, which allows players from outside Halton Hills to join our organization, it is important to ensure that we maintain a fair and balanced approach to player selection.

Team Composition: Each team, whether AA, A, B, or BB, will have a set limit for the number of non-resident players. This limit will be established based on the number of local players registered for each age group/division, ensuring that Halton Hills residents make up the majority of each roster.

Roster Limitations:

AA – Head Coaches are permitted to select up to 7 players who reside outside of Halton Hills.

A – Head Coaches are permitted to select up to 5 players who reside outside of Halton Hills.

B/BB – Head Coaches are permitted to select up to 5 players who reside outside of Halton Hills.

In order to ensure competitive balance and to fulfill player positions the above is subject to change without notice.

Open Border Participation

While HHMH welcomes players from outside of Halton Hills, the total number of non-resident players selected on a team will be limited. This allows our local players to maintain primary access to team spots while still allowing for inclusivity and participation from players beyond our geographic area.

Fair and Transparent Selection Process

The tryout and selection process will remain transparent and fair to all players, both local and non-resident. Players will be assessed based on their skill level, development potential, and how they fit into the team, ensuring the best possible team dynamics and opportunities for all involved.

We believe that this approach strikes the right balance between offering opportunities to players from outside our region while still prioritizing the needs of those who call Halton Hills home. We are confident that this policy will continue to support the growth of hockey within our community, while also providing a welcoming environment for players beyond Halton Hills.

Player Eligibility

U10 to U18 Rep and Advanced League (Select) evaluations are open to all registered Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) players. Player residency and eligibility must comply with OHF guidelines, policies, and rules.

U7MD to U9MD evaluations are open to all registered Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) players.

Players are to purchase a tryout card prior to the start of the tryoutsAll tryout cards will be purchased through the Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) system. Tryout cards will be open for registration early April 2025.

All players must be a member in good standing with Halton Hills Minor Hockey to participate in the tryouts.

Tryout Cards (U10-U18) Evaluation Card (U7-U9)

When purchasing the player tryout/evaluation cards, players will have the option to select the division/divisions they intend to tryout for, which includes:

· U10 to U13: AA, A, B

· U14 to U18: AA, A, BB

· U7MD (September 2025 Evaluations)

· U8MD Tier 1, or Tier 2

· U9MD Tier 1, or Tier 2

· U11 to U18 Advanced League (Select)

Tryout/Evaluation Card Refund Policy

No refunds will be issued for Tryout/Evaluation cards after the first day of tryout/evaluation or if the player participated in any tryout/evaluation skates at the level they registered for.


· U8MD Tier 1/Tier 2, U9 Tier 1/Tier 2 (Evaluations)

· U10 to U18 AA, A, B, BB

· U11, U12, U13, U14, U16, U18 Advanced League


· U7MD

Procedure for Rep, MD and Adv. League Tryouts/Evaluations

Players can select the division they wish to tryout out for. AA, A, B, BB, MD, Advanced League (Adv. L)

U10 to U18 - Players can select more than one division attend.  For example: if a player currently plays on a B or BB team, they may select to tryout for B or BB only, or they may purchase an evaluation card to start at AA or A.

U8MD, U9MD Evaluations – Players can select the tier they wish to attend or may choose both Tier 1 and Tier 2.

With open borders, U10 to U18 players trying out for HHMH will have the ability to enter the rep evaluation process at any time during the tryout period. This means that players can join the tryouts for AA, A, B, or BB teams, even if they missed the initial sessions, as well, they may enter a tryout at any time during the duration of the division evaluations.

To participate in the tryouts/evaluations, U7 to U18 players must first follow the Player Eligibility Process (listed above). This ensures that all players have met the necessary requirements and are eligible to participate.

Joining During Tryouts U10 to U18: Players who meet the eligibility criteria and have purchased a tryout card may enter the Rep evaluations at any point during the tryouts. This allows players the opportunity to join the AA, A, B, or BB tryouts, even if the player starts later in the process.

U10 to U18 - Tryout Process for players who enter an evaluation after the initial start date: Once the player has entered the tryouts, they will be assessed based on their performance and skills, just as any other player who was part of the initial tryout group.

U7MD, U8MD, U9MD: Players who meet the eligibility criteria are requested to start at the beginning of the evaluations they have chosen to attend (Tier 1, Tier 2 or both, Tier 3 where applicable). Joining after the start, will require Coach and HHMH Executive approval.

Advanced League: Players who meet the eligibility criteria are requested to start at the beginning of the tryouts. Players who are not able to meet the request require Coach and HHMH Executive Approval.

Roles of Head Coaches and Independent Evaluators

Head Coaches: The head coach of each team will be directly involved in the selection process of players for their respective team. They will have a key role in the evaluation and decision-making process.

Independent Evaluators: Independent evaluators will also assist in the player selection process. These evaluators are responsible for observing players during the tryouts and providing their assessments based on specific criteria. Evaluators must not be a family member in the age group they are evaluating. This ensures fairness and impartiality in the selection process in the age group they are assessing. Evaluators will provide feedback and rankings to assist the head coach in finalizing the team roster.

Selection Process

Player Selection

Both the head coach and the independent evaluators will work together to select players for each team.

Evaluation Criteria

Players will be assessed on skills, game sense, work ethic, and other relevant attributes during the tryout sessions. The independent evaluators will provide unbiased assessments, and the head coach will contribute their knowledge of team needs and player fit.

Evaluation Transparency

Players will be able to request a copy of their evaluation.

All requests for player evaluations must be made in writing via email to the Head Coach of the division. Requests must be made 24 hours after the final tryout for the player and must be made within 7 days of the player’s final tryout. Coaches will respond no later than 2 to 3 days of the request.

Assistant Coach, Trainers and Team Managers Selection Policy

Non-parent Bench Staff: May be selected prior to the team selection process.

Parent Bench Staff: Bench Staff will not be selected until the team selection process is fully finalized and players (children) of the bench have been assessed to play on the team.

Approval Process: All assistant coaches, Trainers and Team Managers must be approved by HHMH before their final confirmation. All Bench Staff must be in good standing with HHMH and must not have had any prior Code of Conduct breaches within HHMH and OMHA.

Players who are unable to be evaluated

Players who are unable to attend evaluations due to physical reasons must provide a doctor's note to the Head Coach and Director of Hockey Operations, specifying that the player is physically unable to participate during the evaluation period.

The Rep Director, the Director of Hockey Operations and Head Coach will determine if the player may still be considered for selection to a team based on their known abilities and prior performance, even though they did not attend the evaluations.

The Selection and Releasing process during Tryouts

All players that have purchased an evaluation card will receive a tryout tracking number via email prior to tryouts that will be listed on the HHMH website under the division in which the player is trying out for.

It will be important for players to check this system following each tryout. Coaches will use this system to communicate with players by either releasing or selecting players, as well, updating player line ups for exhibition games and any other important information players may need to know.

What the Tryout Tracking system will show:

STATUS as headers.  The code shows the TTN (tryout tracking number) on the left and STATUS on the right.  Possible outcomes are:

·  If STATUS reads “Released”
The player has been released from that division’s tryout.
The player may select another division to tryout for.
As per the OHF player movement policy, the player may decide to tryout for another Minor Hockey Association.

·  If STATUS shows a "BLANK"
The player is invited to continue to the next tryout.
If the next tryout is an exhibition  game, the Head Coach will provide those “pending” with instructions indicating the exhibition game the player will attend.


With an open border for tryouts, players may be selected by the head coach following the first tryout session and throughout the duration of the tryout period. Selection is based on the evaluation of the player's performance, skills, and potential fit for the team.


Offer of Position

If a player is selected by the head coach, the player will be notified and offered a position on the team and if the offer is accepted the player will be expected to sign an offer of commitment.

24-Hour Response Window
: The player has 24 hours from the time of the offer to respond to the head coach, confirming whether they accept or decline the position on the team.

Failure to Respond

If the player does not respond within the 24-hour window, the head coach reserves the right to revoke the offer and select another player for the position.

We encourage all players and parents to be prompt in their responses, as timely communication helps facilitate the selection process for all involved. Our goal is to ensure a positive and efficient experience for all players during tryouts, and we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this policy.

Code of Conduct

Halton Hills Minor Hockey is committed to fostering a respectful, positive, and supportive environment for all players, parents, coaches, and executives during the tryout process. As part of this commitment, all individuals involved in the tryouts must adhere to the OMHA (Ontario Minor Hockey Association) and HHMH (Halton Hills Minor Hockey) Code of Conduct.

Expectations for Behavior

  1. Respectful Conduct: All players, parents, coaches, and executives are expected to demonstrate respect, sportsmanship, and professionalism throughout the tryout process. This includes respectful communication with all involved and following the direction of coaches and evaluators.
  2. Adherence to Policies: Participants must adhere to the OMHA and HHMH codes of conduct, which outline appropriate behavior and actions expected from everyone involved in the process. This includes following all guidelines regarding on-ice and off-ice behavior, communication, and the treatment of others.
  3. Failure to Comply: Any failure to comply with the OMHA or HHMH code of conduct during the tryouts will result in consequences. Specifically, any player, parent, who violates the code of conduct may have the player's eligibility to continue in the evaluation process revoked. The head coach, in consultation with the executive, will make the determination in such cases.

Halton Hills Minor Hockey takes violations of the code of conduct seriously, as we are dedicated to ensuring that all participants in the tryout process are given an equal opportunity to succeed in a positive and supportive environment.

For more information on player movement within the OHF, visit: OHF Player Movement, on the OHF website.