Trainers Corner
Welcome to the Halton Hills Minor Hockey Trainers Corner
Thanks for volunteering for being a Trainer. All resources to help you with your important job should be found here. If you have any suggestions, or have any questions please contact us (including broken links etc) at:
[email protected]
Words to Remember
As a Hockey Trainer, your primary responsibility is to ensure that safety is the first priority at all times during all hockey-related activities, both on and of the ice. You must play a leadership role in enhancing the safety of players and all others involved with Halton Hills Minor Hockey.
OMHA Equipment Reminders
Click here for OMHA reminders on Equipment Required, including emphasis on helmet fit, mouthguard, neck guard and danglers.
Trainer Manual
The following link will download a PDF document which is Revision 2 of the Trainers Manual for HHMH:
Trainer Handbook Revision 2 - Sept 1, 2022
Reporting Injuries
Use the online form, when filled out, will go directly to the Head Trainer. Once reviewed, you will receive a response if any further action is required on your part. See link below for the form.
Trainer Kit
Suggestions for your Trainer Kit include:
1. First Aid Kit (
click here for min contents- source: Safety Requires Teamwork Manual)
2. Hard Copies of all players and Team Officials Medical Information Sheets
3. EAPs
4. Padlock for dressing rooms
5. Sharpening Stone
6. Small Repair Kit
7. Tape
8. Small clean towels
9. Ziploc bags (great of keeping ice, teeth, etc)- Note: small frozen towel in a ziploc works great for wrapping around an injury.
10. Hand sanitizer and extra gloves (non latex)
11. Extra mouth guard and neck guard
For COVID Protocols:
12. Hand sanitizer
13. Extra masks stored in air tight plastic zip lock style baggie
14. Gloves
Online Injury Reporting Process
Below is a graphic showing the process for an injured player (can be found in the Trainer Manual):
Questions on the process? Email our Head Trainer, Dan Budgell.
Online Form
Click this button to fill out the online Injury Log form. This form is not to be used if there is a suspected case of any infectious disease and a participant was removed. You can bookmark the form as well for quick access. It is based on the paper Injury Log form. Below is the paper form for use on the bench, etc. but then submit any injuries via the online form.
If any further action is required, you will receive an email from the Head Trainer with directions on what is required next.
Common Trainer Forms
All forms can now be found on Safety Initiatives & Trainer Resources page on LINK HERE
Quick Links
If you want to be a trainer, you must complete the online course. The same link is for refresher courses.
This link will take you to the main OMHA Trainers page.
This link will take you to the OMHA Trainer Resources page where you can download tons of stuff including your EAP sheets, concussion awareness information, warm up information, etc
Halton Hills Arena Maps
Mold Masters Sportsplex
Acton Arena